Sunday, April 13, 2008

In bed the whole day with Chuzzles

Except for the occasional foray into the bathroom, and I did some laundry, and I ate brunch, the remains of the "curry" and rice I made last night. I had a can of Indonesian chicken soup, added some coconut curry, chopped some zucchini and ate with rice. It was alright, something filling. Hmm, if I don't think about it, I don't get really hungry. I'm sort of tiptoeing in my head so as not to wake up the beast. I think I will eat some fruit later for the nutrients. I really have to be careful I'm not just eating chips, and biscuits, and take my fish oil. Gah, they get stuck in my throat. I do very well for a couple of weeks, then I keep forgetting.
I've recently discovered a games site called King and I've been playing Chuzzles, they are furry cute round balls you have to line up and explode and they squeak and go yoo hoo when you explode them. So that's what I did the whole day. I haven't stepped outside, and can't work up the energy.

Anyhow, it seems playing games is the only way I can get my mind awake, I feel so apathetic and distracted the rest of the time, and I at least wake up with the fuzzy colored balls, and the other games. It's worrying me to spend so much time with the games. And I don't feel so restless either when playing the games. I had to do stuff the whole day.

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