Monday, August 11, 2008

Here I am in Bristol settled

I really should post more.
this is where I should have posted about my trials and tribulations in Bristol but I couldn't post. I was too stressed to post so I haven't written anything at all! I guess I'm not a writer who writes about melancholy and works better under pressure.

This is from a post I posted elsewhere.

The anti-depressant reboxetine has also helped. It stops me obsessing. I still get sad, but now I don't get into obesessive loops. Before, something will set me off, and then it will get played in my mind on and on and on and on and on, and I will get more depressed but it stops. I obsess a little then move on. I still have my tendency towards melancholy but it doesn't get bad. I feel like myself but not the diseased self. The side effects are bad taste in mouth and dry mouth. I'm having a bit of bad breath, it's not terrible. I had a headache and slight wooziness and a bit of insomnia when starting out but that's gone. NO zombie zone out like Effexor. I do more stuff and procrastinate less. It also affects my mood and my eating. I'm an anxious eater but with the reboxetine, I'm not thinking constantly about food and when I feel full, I stop.

I was worried about my decision to move because I've a feeling it's a bit of an impulsive decision. My ADHD you see. But I've meant to move from Spain for the past 2 years at least. And yes, there might have been a bit of impulsiveness in the decision, as I applied on the day of the deadlline for handing applications, January 15th. I was accepted into the architecture program at the end of April, handed in my resignation in May, I was persuaded to stay a bit longer at work, and in July I found myself in a new country. Maybe a bit of impulsiveness isn't so bad. Because I've had so many problems from being impulsive in the past, any decision I make that's not meditated and chewed on for months upon months I look at warily but maybe it's not SO BAD.

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