Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Lack of awarenes of my body and impulsive purchases

I took some paracetamol this morning and last night before I went to the gym. I used to suffer through body aches but this back strain is just painful. It's getting worse since Sunday. Last night, I kept waking up in pain. Putting a pillow behind my back helped but I’ll move and wake up. I hadn’t even noticed I was straining my back. That’s what sometimes happens with ADD, you forget about your body. I get bruises and cuts and don't even know how I got them. I have better memory about the cuts but not the random bruises. I've gotten used to pain, so I forget about it, then I get more cuts, then forget about them and get even more used to pain. I often forget to go to the bathroom in a timely fashion. NO! I don't pee on myself but it means I have to bolt out of my seat an hour later after my body has signaled me to go to the bathroom.

I got accepted into university in the UK. I was reluctant to write about it here, and to tell most people. The first flush of joy has worn off, and I’m sh** terrified. Money! Money! I can get a EU grant but I worry how I’m to live. And I was looking through my bank account and freaked out this morning. What the hell do I buy??? I don’t what s** I’m spending my money on. They all seem necessary.
My cream from La Roche for my eczema dry skin, 20€
The supplements I take, which I fully believe have improved my asthma, and helping my high blood pressure. another 20 euros. Maybe I can cut down on some.
My gym membership, maybe I should start running, but my knees will not thank me. 45€

My transport pass which costs 62euros,
my credit card payments (aargh, I have two!!!!! I’ve stopped using one thankfully as I still don’t have the card from when my wallet was stolen in January).
When I can, then pay off my therapist. She doesn't bother me too much about payments thank goodness.

I will have to stop buying clothes whenever it’s time to visit my boyfriend in whichever country he’s at the moment. He already helps me out with the plane tickets and buys food and things when we are together. But going to see Bruce Springsteen and going to an English posh wedding, I felt I had to whip out the card.

Money, money, money, money. It's all the stupid crap I buy. Of course I'm badly paid too. An extra 200 would be so helpful.

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