Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Little things that make a routine

Anyway, I was late to work today, not really my fault though I could have left the house earlier. I went with my sister in her car who dragged herself out of bed late and insisted on doing her regular routine of making sure she was very well washed, dithering between jeans etc so left the house late and coupled with the fog and bad Madrid drivers, well late i was.

So I'm trying to eat some kind of breakfast in the mornings which is not happening as I dash and run for buses and things. Oneof the random things my parents bought on their UK trip a couple of months ago was a sippy cup (the adult silver Starbucks kind, not the fluffy pink animals kind) so my usual plan of hoping I have some time to drink some tea and then leaving it to curdle in the kitchen was foiled! Well, what do you know? Those things are useful. Those people who tramp around the whole time looking all yuppie and serious about it. I'm one of them. It's a very American thing not a Spanish thing so don't get amazed I don't do this normally. At least this way it's easier to slip into my routine.

I had yoga last night, I do enjoy it but it's only once a week and I don't think it can do much about reducing my 160/90 blood pressure. I'll have to do something more energetic and regular so off to the gym I'm going. How much it will hurt as I cough up my very tight cash. I feel bad about it cause they are nice, and I only joined last month after disappearing for 6 months. Sometimes I will feel so bad about this sort of thing that I will continue paying so not to feel bad and there goes my money but this time I've no option. I'm living off my credit cards. BAD! BAD! DEBT VERY BAD! I've to look for another job like everyone else

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