Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sleepiness, migraines

It's my time of the month (a bit early) and yesterday I slept and slept the whole day. I did nothing. I fell into bed about 2am, I woke up at 9am, then fell asleep, then 10, puttered about a bit, ate something felt tired and went back to sleep. Got up at 12, read a bit, ate something, realized I had a massive headache then fell asleep, tried to wake up at 3 and fell asleep again. I didn't really wake up till about 8pm!!!! The whole day just sleeping. And with the pounding headache in the background. Then I dragged myself out about 9am, went to cook dinner, took 2 paracetamols (ibuprofen) to dull the headache a bit, watched some tv, slept on the sofa and went back to bed about 2 am.

It must have been my migrainous attack. I get vertigo attacks with migraines sometimes. And I do notice I get really tired when I'm about to get a vertigo attack. I've had sudden tinnitus the last couple of days ( ears will start buzzing painfully all of a sudden). I think it's to do with allergies, the weather has been sunnier lately, not so rainy, and I've been sneezing, snuffling and constantly mucosy in my chest. I've even noticed I was wheezing though I didn't get the chest tightness and shortness of breath I normally get. Didn't touch my inhaler though.

One doc said my vertigo attacks was Meniere's disease. I got a vertigo attack, nausea and severe migraine all at the same time. It was horrible. If I lied down, my body would feel like it was either turning around or everything was spinning and I feel horribly nauseated. If I stood up, the migraine would be really horrible so I would be in a diagonal position not fully lying down, or sitting down, and crying. And feel really tired after it was over. I had to get injections to make the vertigo go away.

I went to another doc and he said it wasn't Meniere but an unspecified imbalance of my ears. Since then my balance has been poor, I have a low level unstability. If I stand with my feet together, I stagger. I sway and sometimes look like I'm drunk.He said it was related to my asthma, when I got attacks, the fluid would go into my ears and destabilize me.

It has gotten much much better, I haven't really had asthma attacks for the longest time and haven't had any bad vertigo problems. One recommendation for Meniere is to avoid salt, which is also a recommendation for HBP. I've always been a salt freak so it was difficult to cut it out, but slowly I'm cutting it out.

I don't know if I have Meniere, but I won't be surprised if I'm diagnosed with it in a couple of years. I did have a bit of hearing loss which seems to have slowed.

Anyway, what does this have to do with ADHD? I have no clue, but it seems I keep getting new diseases and there's always something wrong with me. This condition I have seems to be connected with my asthma, and allergies, something many ADHDers have.
I'm tired all the time, and I'm tired of being tired.

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