Wednesday, April 23, 2008

ADHD, dancing and movements

Anyway, I continue going to the gym. Yesterday I had a Cardiobox class. I'm pleased, I ALMOST didn't go, I was going to curl up in bed with my book but I thought think of the money you've paid, got up and went! YIPPPEEEE!

It was fun but hard for me. One, it was my first class, naturally hard for anyone (I had to keep telling myself that, so I didn't beat myself for not being perfect the first time I try something. Oy!) and two, I never did well with choreographed moves, dancing etc. Ironically, I AM a good dancer. I am :-) but start with 2 moves to the right, then turn around, do a shimmy there, and choreograph things, and I fall over myself.

I was fine with martial arts cause the katas (routines,) are almost always in an H shape so can't go wrong there, I know where to move but give me choreographed routines and my limbs are everywhere, my right turns to my left, my ankles get tangled and it's scary. It's related to my clumsiness. Put me on a table with a white tablecloth, and sauce, and I'm almost guaranteed to knock it over. Things fall out of my grasp. But leave me with some funky music, and I bop and move to my heart's content.

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